- ArrayEncoder — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder\Encoder
- Encoder for array values.
- PHPEncoder::addEncoder() — Method in class PHPEncoder
- Adds a new encoder.
- BooleanEncoder — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder\Encoder
- Encoder for boolean values.
- ArrayEncoder::encode() — Method in class ArrayEncoder
- Generates the PHP code representation for the given value.
- BooleanEncoder::encode() — Method in class BooleanEncoder
- Generates the PHP code representation for the given value.
- Encoder — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder\Encoder
- Interface for different types of value encoders.
- Encoder::encode() — Method in class Encoder
- Generates the PHP code representation for the given value.
- FloatEncoder::encode() — Method in class FloatEncoder
- Generates the PHP code representation for the given value.
- GMPEncoder::encode() — Method in class GMPEncoder
- Generates the PHP code representation for the given value.
- IntegerEncoder::encode() — Method in class IntegerEncoder
- Generates the PHP code representation for the given value.
- IntegerEncoder::encodeBinary() — Method in class IntegerEncoder
- Encodes an integer into binary representation.
- IntegerEncoder::encodeOctal() — Method in class IntegerEncoder
- Encodes an integer into octal representation.
- IntegerEncoder::encodeDecimal() — Method in class IntegerEncoder
- Encodes an integer into decimal representation.
- IntegerEncoder::encodeHexadecimal() — Method in class IntegerEncoder
- Encodes an integer into hexadecimal representation.
- NullEncoder::encode() — Method in class NullEncoder
- Generates the PHP code representation for the given value.
- ObjectEncoder::encode() — Method in class ObjectEncoder
- Generates the PHP code representation for the given value.
- StringEncoder::encode() — Method in class StringEncoder
- Generates the PHP code representation for the given value.
- PHPEncoder::encode() — Method in class PHPEncoder
- Generates the PHP code for the given value.
- FloatEncoder — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder\Encoder
- Encoder for float values.
- ArrayEncoder::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class ArrayEncoder
- Returns a list of options and their default values as an associative array.
- BooleanEncoder::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class BooleanEncoder
- Returns a list of options and their default values as an associative array.
- Encoder::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class Encoder
- Returns a list of options and their default values as an associative array.
- FloatEncoder::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class FloatEncoder
- Returns a list of options and their default values as an associative array.
- GMPEncoder — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder\Encoder
- Encoder for GMP number types.
- GMPEncoder::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class GMPEncoder
- Returns a list of options and their default values as an associative array.
- IntegerEncoder::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class IntegerEncoder
- Returns a list of options and their default values as an associative array.
- NullEncoder::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class NullEncoder
- Returns a list of options and their default values as an associative array.
- ObjectEncoder::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class ObjectEncoder
- Returns a list of options and their default values as an associative array.
- StringEncoder::getDefaultOptions() — Method in class StringEncoder
- Returns a list of options and their default values as an associative array.
- PHPEncoder::getAllOptions() — Method in class PHPEncoder
- Returns a list of all encoder options.
- IntegerEncoder — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder\Encoder
- Encoder for integer values.
- InvalidOptionException — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder
- Exception that gets thrown if invalid encoder options are used.
- NullEncoder — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder\Encoder
- Encoder for null values.
- ObjectEncoder — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder\Encoder
- Encoder for generic objects.
- PHPEncoder — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder
- A highly customisable library for generating PHP code from variables.
- ArrayEncoder::supports() — Method in class ArrayEncoder
- Tells if the encoder supports encoding the given value.
- BooleanEncoder::supports() — Method in class BooleanEncoder
- Tells if the encoder supports encoding the given value.
- Encoder::supports() — Method in class Encoder
- Tells if the encoder supports encoding the given value.
- FloatEncoder::supports() — Method in class FloatEncoder
- Tells if the encoder supports encoding the given value.
- GMPEncoder::supports() — Method in class GMPEncoder
- Tells if the encoder supports encoding the given value.
- IntegerEncoder::supports() — Method in class IntegerEncoder
- Tells if the encoder supports encoding the given value.
- NullEncoder::supports() — Method in class NullEncoder
- Tells if the encoder supports encoding the given value.
- ObjectEncoder::supports() — Method in class ObjectEncoder
- Tells if the encoder supports encoding the given value.
- StringEncoder — Class in namespace Riimu\Kit\PHPEncoder\Encoder
- Encoder for string values.
- StringEncoder::supports() — Method in class StringEncoder
- Tells if the encoder supports encoding the given value.
- PHPEncoder::setOption() — Method in class PHPEncoder
- Sets the value for an encoder option.
- IntegerEncoder::__construct() — Method in class IntegerEncoder
- IntegerEncoder constructor.
- PHPEncoder::__construct() — Method in class PHPEncoder
- Creates a new PHPEncoder instance.